
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 14:58:50
我们老师要我们概括出其中7个人的性格,还让用英文写,OH MY GOD,我要疯了~~谁了解的用中文写告诉我也行,特别感谢!

Maybe I can help you with that...but i don't know why there are 7 people, i know there's Rachel Ross Chandler, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, i'll write those for you~
Rachel: Rachel's this kind and nice person, she was once called a pushover by Phoebe cause she really cares about others' feelings a lot. She was a "princess"kind of person at first and didn't know how to be independent and live life without the money of her fathers, but with the help of the other 5, she was able to be the person she wanted to be. I didn't like her at first because of her being so spoiled but later I found out that she had a great personality, she cares a lot about other people and has a loving heart. Maybe that's why Ross has had a crush on her ever since high school~
Monica: Monica has a stronger character, she sometimes tries to do things the way that she wants no matter what, and she is somewhat obssessed with competition, she loves to compete and always